Actress Sonali Bendre does not shy away from talking about her tryst with cancer and how she has been handling it. Even while she was undergoing treatment for it in the US, she kept her fans informed about her progress by posting pictures of herself on her social media pages. After returning to India, she has been busy doing a number of things, and one of them was attending a dinner party that was held for Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta after their wedding.
Wearing an Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla creation, Sonali looked regal dressed in a red salwar suit that had golden embellishments on it and sporting a short hairstyle. She posed along with her husband Goldie Behl and shared the picture on her Instagram page with a caption, “Been a while since I got out of my track-pants. Outfit: @abujanisandeepkhosla Shoes: Abu-Sandeep X @needledust.”
Sonali had been diagnosed with high-grade cancer in the middle of 2018 and had undergone treatment for it in New York. She recently spoke about it in an interview with a news channel, revealing how it was her husband who had planned things for her even when she was unsure of what to do next. Sonali said it was only in New York that they discovered she had only 30 per cent chances of survival and it was stage IV cancer.
Even though she was going through a tough time, Sonali never let her positive side disappear and she kept interacting with all through social media, updating them about the chemotherapy she was undergoing and about books that she was currently reading. She also did a photoshoot recently in which the scars on her body, due to the treatment she underwent, were visible. Sonali has embraced these scars as proof of her fight, and she has shown tremendous courage all throughout her difficult journey.