Making fans and shutterbugs catch their breaths with every look that she donned at Cannes Film Festival 2019, Bollywood diva Sonam Kapoor set everyone swooning again with her latest video on social media. Giving a glimpse of her ‘luxury’ as she dressed to kill for the launch of Chopard Parfums, Sonam’s latest behind the scenes video broke the Internet, garnering over 85k views in less than half an hour.
The video starts with a backshot of Sonam, showing her in a white bathing robe and hair in clips, as she walked into her room waving at her team. The next shot shows her donning the beautiful yellow sunshiny dress as her stylists propped up the tree behind her with bright red roses while the camera toured around her, giving different shots of her gorgeous look. The video then blurs and fast forwards to the launch where Sonam can be seen sharing the couch with other big names related to Chopard Parfums, all men dressed in dull formal suits. She can then be seen in candid conversations, trying on the perfume and finally exiting the venue. The video was captioned, “There is no greater luxury than sustainability. @chopard #chopardparfums @shakeelbinafzal” (sic).
On the professional front, Sonam Kapoor will soon be making her digital debut with a web series where she will be unraveling some of her style secrets.
Sonam was last seen in Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga with Anil Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. She will next be seen in The Zoya Factor with Dulquer Salmaan which is based on a famous novel by Anuja Chauhan. Directed by Abhishek Sharma, the film is slated to release on June 14, 2019.