Actresses Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte are set to star alongside Akshay Kumar in “Padman”, a biopic on social entrepreneur Arunachalam Muruganantham who invented the first low-cost sanitary napkins in India.
Sonam, 31, announced the new on social media by sharing the poster of the R Balki-directed movie.
“Thrilled to be a part of this prestigious project.
#Rbalki @akshaykumar @missfunnybones @radhikaofficial #padman,” Sonam captioned the film’s poster.
This is the second time Sonam is teaming with Akshay, they have previously worked in 2011 film “Thank You”.
Akshay’s wife and actress-turned-writer Twinkle Khanna will produce the film under her new banner Mrs Funnybones Movies.