Nagpur: These are the orders of Family Court in the city on Thursday, July 9, while disposing of a petition filed by a father, Gopichand, aged 75, and which was pending decision since November 2014. The family court judge I M Bohri directed the sons, namely, Prabhakar and Ganesh, that they should pay Rs 25 each per day to their old father as his maintenance allowance under the provisions of section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Liability of sons to look after their parents when they are in need). This judgement of the family court is being hailed all over in society.
The background of the case is that the sons had refused to pay any money for the father’s maintenance. Both had expressed their inability that they could not spare any money for the father (who had so sincerely brought them up). What a height of thanklessness! Though the second son, Ganesh, is a casual labourer earning only Rs 100 per day, the elder son Prabhalar is a government servant earning Rs 30,000 as per month salary.
The petitioner father told the court that he in consultation with Prabhakar and other sons had sold the parental agricultural land for Rs 20 lakh, and from this money, Prabhakar purchased a land for Rs 13 lakh. Remaining money he gave to other sons. He also told the court that his wife died on May 18, 2007 and then he was left alone depending fully on their sons. Actually the father had given away all his money to his sons and he was left with nothing for his maintenance.
Considering the case seriously, the court very appreciably directed the respondent-sons to deposit the directed amount of money in the court every month so that the court might pass on the right-of-benefit to the petitioner father.