On Monday, Ajay Devgn’s Baadshaho team became the seventh since July to leave the sets of the Kapil Sharma Show without having shot a single frame. On two of those occasions, Kapil’s health was said to be the reason. But new reports suggest that Sony TV, the parent channel of the comedy show, has sent a warning to Kapil.
Sources reported the channel’s head honchos had a meeting after the Baadshaho team’s departure, and were very angry at Kapil’s “unprofessional behaviour”. The stars were kept waiting for hours, and Kapil never showed up.
“The channel is very stressed after this recent incident. They have sent a verbal notice to him to pull up his socks. They feel they have been very accommodating so far but this is quite unacceptable. This is like a warning,” a source said.
Ever since Kapil’s much-publicised mid-air tussle with co-star Sunil Grover in March, his show has been in free fall. TRPs have taken a hit and other programmes like Dance Plus 3, Khatron Ke Khiladi and Amul Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs have overtaken Kapil’s show. Sunil later departed the show, and has publicly refused to return.
The Baadshaho team wasn’t the first to have been treated in this manner by him. Shah Rukh Khan, Arjun Kapoor and Paresh Rawal all had to leave the sets after last minute cancellations. Salman Khan chose to skip Kapil’s show altogether during the publicity rounds for Tubelight. Rumours swirled about Kapil being an alcoholic, or depressed – both of which he denied.
“It (depression) is just a big term for me. Apart from low blood pressure, I am not at all facing any health issues. I have started taking care of my diet and body. I am perfectly fine now,” he said in a Facebook live chat.