Sooraj Pancholi is getting his dream launch in Bollywood under the wing of Salman Khan who is going all out to make Sooraj the next big thing in the Hindi Film industry. But all was not well for the debutante before, Jiah Khan’s controversial death led to a lot of problems in Sooraj’s life, who ended up getting jailed for an alleged involvement. While none has been proved in the case, media did have a field day with Sooraj’s name as her suicide letter and her last few phone messages had strong links to involvement of Sooraj behind her decision of suicide in 2013.
The actor gets questioned about her a lot, but has now stopped since he feels people will misunderstand him when he talks about her. “Recently, I had tried to talk about the incident but people started to think that I want publicity from this topic. So I decided that the lesser I talk about it, the better it is” Sooraj said. He added, “My name will always be associated with her and I have no guilt for that.”