Salman Khan’s mentee Sooraj Pancholi is very close to the superstar. But the newbie actor says that he does not want to be the next Salman. Salman Khan launched Sooraj Pancholi and Athiya Shetty in Hero . Sooraj in a recent interview to DNA said that he wants to make his individual identity and does not want to be the next someone. Talking about hie mentor Salman Khan, Sooraj Pancholi says, ”No one can ever be Salman Khan. There can only be one Salman Khan. Honestly, I don’t even want to be the next someone. I want to be Sooraj Pancholi and would love people to know me like that.” Sooraj Pancholi further added, ”Hopefully, 20 years later, they will spot someone and say, ‘Oh, dekho naya Sooraj Pancholi aa gaya’. Sooraj Pancholi also revealed that even after the Jiah Khan’s episode Salman Khan stood by him and offered him Hero, ” There’s only one person who could stick to his commitment and that is Salman sir. I am saying this right now and I know it for a fact.”