Published On : Thu, Feb 20th, 2020

Special Assembly marks Shivaji Jayanti at DPS MIHAN


“Fortune favours the brave and never helps a man who does not help himself” – PT Barnum

The morning sets the day and the assembly paves the way for the students and teachers to rejuvenate their spirits and remain rooted to the moral values and unleash their vitality. The morning assembly is an important part of Delhi Public School, MIHAN’s day to day activities as it is the first step towards good future and the students are the future of the nation.

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The premises of Delhi Public School, MIHAN resounded with the well-planned assembly conducted by the students of GRADE – VII B, based on the theme ‘SHIVAJI JAYANTI’ on 18th February, 2020.

“MaatribhumiaurSwaraj, Swarg se bhiSundarhai” -Shivaji

The students of Class VII B explained the importance of Self-belief, Determination, Perseverance, Hard work and Sacrifice for achieving freedom by overcoming the obstacles.

ShivajiMaharaj- the great warrior,Maratha king of India is a symbol of nationalism, bravery and valour and a source of inspiration for generations of Indians. February 19th is marked as the Birth Anniversary of ShivajiMaharaj.

Students narrated anecdotes from the life of the great Maratha leader along with the wonderful and lively enactment by the students.A wonderful speech about the life of the great Maratha warrior ShivajiMaharaj was delivered by the students.

Students mesmerized the audience with a group dance on the same theme. Their energetic dance brought out the inspiring spirit of Marathi culture.Indeed, it was a great assembly to apprise the students and create awareness in the young minds.
