Registrations of two hospitals cancelled for not providing information on Dengue patients
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Nagpur: With the cases of Dengue and Dengue fever rising, there exists a panic like situation among the citizens of Nagpur city. Taking serious cognizance of the rising cases of Dengue, Mayor of Nagpur City Praveen Datke held a meeting of all the officials of the Health Department at the Central Office on October 21, 2014.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioner Sanjay Kakde, Deputy Director (Health) Dr Milind Ganvir, Health Officer Dr Savita Meshram and their officials. Nagpur Municipal Corporation Administration is serious about preventing the spread of Dengue. They have also taken serious pro-active steps to control and prevent the disease from spreading. In the first phase, on the basis of the directives issued by Mayor Praveen Datke, a Special Cell has been established in the Central and Zonal levels. This cell will be responsible to inspect the houses of those patients suffering from Dengue, visit house to house and inspect and collect data of those suffering from fever and other ailment, collect blood samples and create mass awareness among the citizens about Dengue. The telephone numbers of all the officials of Central and Zonal level Special Dengue Cells who can be contacted in case of Dengue are as follows
Central Cell
Official’s Name Position Mobile No
Dr S S Shende Medical Officer 9823010136
(Communicable Diseases)
Dr Jaishree Thote Filariasis Officer 8600167836
Dr Sudhir Fating Filariasis Officer 9923438060
Laxminagar Zone No 1
Dr Mohammed Kwaza Medical Officer 9421803789
Mahesh Bokare Divisional Officer 9823245672
Omprakash Filariasis Inspector 9823313127
Dharampeth Zone No 2
Dr Meenakshi Singh Medical Officer 9423627638
D P Tembekar Zonal Officer 9823245671
Apart from this a mobile hospital too has been started. This mobile unit will reach the address where Dengue patients live and the Medical Officers will diagnosis and will start treatment immediately. If need arises, blood samples will be collected and sent for further analysis.
Since the Dengue patients often need blood, plasma, platelets etc for treatment, a Self-Help Group Voluntary Blood Bank has come forward to supply these at cheap rates. This will also be available to all those who fall below poverty line.