Nagpur: In a shocking incident, a State Reserve Police Force (SRPF) jawan killed a fellow colleague and then shot himself from his service rifle on Wednesday in the premises of Marpalli Police Assistance Centre coming under Jimalgatta police sub division, according to media reports.
The reports said that the incident took place at 4.30 pm. As per details, both jawans were from SRPF Group 1, Pune. They were posted at Marpalli Police Assistance Centre for routine anti-Naxal operations. On Wednesday evening, a Police Constable of Group 1, named Berad, allegedly opened fire at Police Constable Nawthar in the police centre premises. Staff present at the centre was taken aback and even before they could run to the spot and take the situation under control, Berad allegedly also shot himself from his service rifle.
Exact reason behind the firing could not be ascertained but it is said that Berad and Nawthar were nurturing a dispute for a long time. It is said that they had quarrelled on Wednesday as well and, in a fit of rage, Berad allegedly shot Nawthar dead. Both jawans died on the spot. The matter is being investigated by Jimalgatta Sub Divisional Police Officer Kshirsagar and further details are awaited.