The newly elected Chairman of NMC’s Standing Committee Ramesh Shingare also took charge as Trustee of Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT) on Monday. The function was attended by City BJP President Krishna Khopde as chief guest while Central Nagpur MLA Vikas Kumbhare, Ruling Party L:eader in NMC Dayashankar Tiwari, Transport Committee Chairman Sudhir Raut, Tax and Tax Assessment Committee Chairman Girish Deshmukh, former Trustee Jaiprakash Gupta, former Chairman of Standing Committee Narendra Borkar and other dignitaries were prominently present on the occasion.
Speaking after taking charge, Shingare said that he will try his best to fulfill the responsibility given to him by the party and ensure development of city. Problems of citizens will also be resolved on priority basis, said Shingare.