Published On : Mon, Mar 7th, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

State Government is committed towards Industrialization of Vidarbha :Dilip Walse-Patil


Political parties across party lines should work for development of Vidarbha : Praful Patel

Government should prioritize pro-development policies for backward regions like Vidarbha &Marathwada : Dr Dipen Agrawal, President CAMIT

Today’s Rate
Saturday 28 Sept. 2024
Gold 24 KT 75,900/-
Gold 22 KT 70,600 /-
Silver / Kg 91,100/-
Platinum 44,000/-
Recommended rate for Nagpur sarafa Making charges minimum 13% and above

A joint delegation of industry and trade led by Dr. Dipen Agrawal, President – Chamber of Association Industry & Trade (CAMIT) along with Suresh Rathi, President , Rohit Bajaj Vice- President Vidarbha Industries Association (VIA) Shivkumar Rao President- Vidarbha Economic Development Council (VED) with host of trade & industry representatives met Praful Patel, Member of Parliament and senior leader of NCP and DilipWalse-Patil, Minister of Home, GoM during their visit to Nagpur in presence of Rajendra Jain Nagpur City Observer NCP, DuneshwarPethe, Nagpur City President, NCP, Subodh Mohite Patil Ex. Minister GOI, Prakash Gajbhiye Ex. MLC and Vedprakash Arya,Ex. Corporator, NMC.

At the outset Ramesh Jayaswal, Jt. Managing Director, NECO Group, welcomed Praful Patel and Dr. Dipen Agrawal welcomed DilipWalse-Patil with shawl, shriphal, floral bouquet and momento. Dr. Dipen Agrawal said that there is need to sensitise police force to enhance vigil in market places to ensure safety and security of traders. Agrawal pointed out that job/income loss due covid pandemic has resulted in socio-economic situation because of which many are pushed to crime for easy money. Adopting state of art intelligence by law enforcing agencies is the need of the hour for pre-emptory detection of crime instead of beating the bush after crime is committed. He also added that it is the need of the hour to create job opportunities for youth in the region through development and industrialization of backward regions like Vidarbha & Marathwada.

Shivkumar Rao President – Vidarbha Economic Development Council (VED) made detailed representation to Member of Parliament, Praful Patel on reasons for and benefits of setting up a mega Refinery & Petrochemical Complex (RPC) in and around Nagpur in Vidarbha region and the strengths of Vidarbha for the project. The RPC will recharge economy and have positive social impact like creating direct & indirect jobs, attracting ancillary units, revival of sick units, boost regional tourism, optimize resource utilization. This shall be the best decision on social, economic and political fronts.

After patient hearing Praful Patel appreciated the idea of setting up RPC in Vidarbha and said that he shall do the needful in his power to bring a refinery and petrochemical complex in Vidarbha.

Suresh Rathi & Rohit Bajaj of Vidarbha Industries Association (VIA) explaining the plight of industries in the region to Home Minister, DilipWalse-Patil reiterated their demand for reintroduction of power tariff subsidy scheme for Vidarbha region. The scheme was first introduced to compensate Vidarbha and then other regions were added without any increase in budget outlay for the same. The scheme had given much needed breathing space to units in these regions and made them competitive with neighbouring states.

Dr. Dipen Agrawal, informed Home Minister that Nagpur is becoming hub for manufacturing equipment and armoury used by defence, police and paramilitary forces. State government should adopt Make in Maharashtra policy and promote indigenous industries by offering preference in procurement by state home department.

DilipWalse-Patil assured to take up the issue with Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, Dy. Chief Minister, Ajit dada Pawar and Power Minister, Nitin Raut.

Dr. Dipen Agrawal and Shivkumar Rao while discussing with Praful Patel highlighted that a Business Advisory Committee of MIHAN, Nagpur should be constituted at the earliest to address the issues of MIHAN and the committee be tasked with the responsibility to promote and revive interest in MIHAN. Praful Patel acknowledging the important role to be played by Advisory Committee in promoting MIHAN spoke to V. Sraman the Development Commissioner, MIHAN (DC – MIHAN) and suggested to constitute the said committee at the earliest. The DC-MIHAN assured to constitute the Business Advisory Committee to address issues and promote MIHAN.

Also,prominently present in the delegation were Sarvshri Anand Jayaswal, Damodar Sarda, Jasbir Singh Arora, Nilesh Agrawal, Rajesh Sarda, Rajesh Lakhotia, Ramesh Rander, Sanjay K. Agrawal, Sanjay P. Agarwal, Shyam Agrawal and Vishal Jaiswal.

Vote of thanks was proposed by Rajesh Sarda informs a press release issued by Sanjay K. Agrawal, Vice President-CAMIT.
