Nagpur: The Maharashtra Minister for Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development, Sports and YouthWelfare Sunil Kedar recently unveiled the flag of Nag Vidarbha Chamber of Commerce (NVCC) in the presence of Chamber’s President Ashwin Mehadia and other office-bearers. Mehadia welcomed Kedar by offering him a bouquet and apprised the Minister about NVCC’s activities.
The NVCC President Mehadia appreacitaed the works done by the Minister for the welfare of traders and people during Covid-19 pandemic in the city. Mehadia hoped that the Minister will continue to cooperate with the traders of not only Nagpur but Vidarbha also. “The Minister will continue to ensure all-round development of Nagpur and Vidarbha,” Mehadia hoped.
Present on the occasion include ex-NVCC President B C Bhartia, Prakash Wadhwani, Vice President Farooqbhai Akbani, Secretary Ramavatar Totla, Executive Members Santosh Kabra, Mahesh Kukreja and others.