New Delhi: Jayadev Galla, TDP in Lok Sabha, is still speaking. He has asked the Speaker for 30 minutes more.
“Mr Modi while campaigning in Andhra Pradesh had said ‘Congress killed the mother & saved the child. Had I have been there, I would have saved the mother too’. People of AP have waited for four long years for him to save their mother.
“You’re (PM) singing a different tune which people of AP are keenly observing & they would give a befitting reply in coming polls. BJP will be decimated in AP the way Congress was if people of AP are cheated. Mr PM, it’s not a threat, it’s a ‘shraap’.
“Statues are getting more funding than the entire capital city of Andhra Pradesh. Is it wrong on the people of Andhra Pradesh to demand a better capital. The PM in front of Lord Balaji has promised that AP would get a better capital than Delhi. You have just given us Rs 1500 crore, the statue of Shivaji has got Rs 3000 crore. How is it enough?”
Speaker asks him to wrap up, since 30 minutes he’d asked for, is over.