Nagpur: The Students Facilitation Centre set up at Pariksha Bhawan here to provide single window resolution to various concerns of students, has been crawling at snail’s pace, in terms of attending to various university related works of students. Even three months after its formation it managed to attend to the problems of only 100 students whereas the complaints of 26 students were still pending. In August this year, Vice Chancellor of Nagpur University formed Students Facilitation Centre to get the students report their problems regarding delayed results, revaluation information, correction of names in degrees or marksheets as well as online status of their graduation at single window. At that time it was also claimed that students would be provided with tokenn. On the contrary the students are forced to make rounds of the centre as they are being repeatedly called through sending SMS.
The Students Facilitaton Centre was formed in view of telling delays in providing various necessary documents of students by officials and employees at Examination department. However it has failed to serve the purpose, given its pace of work during last three months. Everyday around 100 students visit this centre to fetch various documents. This takes the number of students in thousands every month, however only 100 students could be attended till date.
When Nagpur Today spoke to Exam Department Controller Dr Neeraj Khati he informed that Pro-VC had taken serious note of the situation at Students Facilitation Centre and called upon the meeting of all the officials of the Centre and Superintendent. He had also pulled the concerned officials and instructed them to speed up the things to provide better experience to the students.
He however clarified though the centre was set up in August this year, the actual work started in September. He said that cases of around 100-200 students have already been resolved whereas 26 students are awaiting resolutions. He said that students were not being given token. Instead they were called after a week and once their documents are available they are being called through SMS. He added that many a times colleges also commit some mistakes which further delay the process.