Nagpur News.
Nagpur Branch organized first time Gurucool spread over for 21 weeks, every Wednesday at ICAI Bhavan Dhantoli. Bureau Chief of Vidarbha, ABP-News, ABP-Majha Sarita Kaushik while speaking as a Chief Guest at a valedictory programme of Gurucool said that practical exposure to the professionals are pretty much required. This is fast moving economy, updating is the need of the hour. One has to continuously update himself / herself on various fronts like technology , communication, taxation etc. She said that one has to strive for perfection & keep making efforts for achieving it . She guided the participants over principles to be followed for success in life and shared her experience with participants and said that one should not saw bad actions as they will reap bad habits only. She appreciated Nagpur ICAI for conducting such beautiful course & complimented the participants for joining at the appropriate time.
(L to R) CA. Julfesh Shah, RCM, Sarita Kaushik- Chief Guest, CA. Swapnil Agrawal, Chairman, CA. Suren Duragkar
Regional Council Member CA Julfesh Shah while delivering his address guided the member on the advantages available to CA proffession. He said that it is most versatile proffession that gives all round capabilities to the person. Now a days CAs is considered as the complete business solution provider. Practice your best character and don’t get frustrated & get an inclination towards short term profits at the cost of your character. True character is what you are when no one is watching, he further added. He said that this concept of Guru Cool organized by Nagpur Branch is getting great recognition at all the branches of ICAI and three branches of WIRC have adopted this concept as it is motivating & increasing the treasure of the knowledge of young practitioners and groom them to perform their professional duties in the most effective manner.
Earlier Chairman of Nagpur Branch CA. Swapnil Agrawal in his welcome address said that first time Nagpur Branch of WIRC of ICAI has designed this Novel Concept of ‘GURU COOL’, where various renowned experts in our professional field came to share with us not only their professional expertise but their time tested wisdom acquired through making many right and wrong decisions. Guru Cool has proved itself to be one of the best designed course that has given its participants true value addition to their professional life, which will support them to excel in their career. He assured all possible help from Nagpur Branch of ICAI in their future endeavor.
The program was formally inaugurated on 19th June 2013 and during the term renowned Gurus’ of Nagpur namely CA Sudhir Baheti, CA Kapil Bahri, CA Vijay Agrawal, CA B C Bhartia, CA Ajit Gokarn, CA C N Rathi, CA Anand Dhoka, CA Hemant Rajandekar, CA Ninad Nandgaokar, CA Rajpal Singhai, CA O S Bagadia, CA Anirudha Shenwai, CA Ashutosh Joshi, CA Makarand Joshi, CA Sitaraman Iyer, CA Anil Parakh, CA Sanjay Narke, CA Kailash Jogani, CA Ashok Chandak, CA K P Sahasrabudhhe, CA Jaydeep Shah, CA Ashish Mukim, CA Kapil Hirani, CA Jayant Ranade, CA B K Agrawal, CA Anil Dani, CA Rajesh Loya, CA Mahendra Kamath and CA Julfesh Shah, guided the professional on different occasion. CA. Suren Duragkar coordinated the valedictory session and proposed a formal vote of thanks. Prominently present on the occasion were, CA. Ashwini Agrawal, CA Swapnil Ghate, CA Kirti Agrawal, CA Sandeep Jotwani, CA. Umang Agrawal, CA. Kirit Kalyani and all the Guru Cool participants.