Sunny Leone is one Bollywood actor who manages to grab eyes whenever she steps out of the house. Sunny never fails to impress the fashion police with her incredible fashion sense. Sunny manages to look stunning in whatever outfit she dons. From simple t-shirt denim look to red carpet gown look, Sunny sure knows how to ace it all. Recently, Sunny shared a picture of herself in a short purple dress, near a pool.
Sharing the picture on her Instagram handle, Sunny captioned it, “Next stop Miami!!?? Lol I wish!! Back to Juhu for me hehe….” With maroon lips and smokey eyes, Sunny posed for the camera and looked gorgeous as always.
A week ago, the adorable couple celebrated their wedding anniversary. On the occasion, Sunny took to her Instagram to share pictures of the celebration and captioned it, “Happy Anniversary @dirrty99 you are the best part of my life, my best friend and the best father to our children! the greatest part is that our daughter made us our cake..”.
Sunny and husband Daniel Weber are blessed with three kids – Nisha Kaur Weber and twins Asher-Noah Singh Weber.
On the professional front, Sunny Leone was last seen in the Zee 5 original series Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story of Sunny Leone. She is all set to make her cameo in Diljit Dosanjh and Kriti Sanon starrer Arjun Patiala.