Mamata Banerjee has lost to Suvendu Adhikari in Nandigram. Earlier, she was declared winner from Nandigram but later it was announced that she had lost to Adhikari. Earlier in the day, when the counting started, BJP’s Adhikari was leading in the seat by more than 8000 votes. The Nandigram assembly constituency was the biggest battleground where sitting chief minister Mamata Banerjee challenged her former cabinet colleague and now BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari.
Don’t worry about Nandigram, I struggled for Nandigram because I fought a movement. It’s ok. Let the Nandigram people give whatever verdict they want, I accept that. I don’t mind. We won more than 221 seats and BJP has lost the election. Whatever happens for the best. I won’t have to travel so far.”