Nagpur: The newly-elected Chairman of NMC’s Hanuman Nagar Zone Swati Chandrakant Akhatkar on Friday took charge of office in the presence of Mayor Pravin Datke. Other dignitaries who attended the programme include Deputy Mayor Satish Holay, Chairman of Standing Committee Sudhir Raut, ex-Chairperson Sarika Nandurkar, Corporators Neeta Thakre, Rita Mule, Nayana Zade, Divya Ghurde, Sujata Kombade, Satyabhama Lokhande, Assistant Commissioner Rajesh Bhivgade, and officials. Swati Akhatkar is Corporator from Prabhag 62(A) Mhalginagar.
Speaking on the occasion, the Mayor said that earlier also Swati Akhatkar held the post and carried out her responsibility with aplomb. This time too, she will strive hard for overall development of the Zone in cooperation and coordination with all-party Corporators, Datke said.