Nagpur: The Jaripatka Police on Saturday arrested a Swiggy delivery boy for molesting a 20-year-old woman in Kasturba Nagar on May 22. The accused has been identified as Suraj Sudhir Malode (27), a resident of Nara Road, Hudco Colony. Malode is married and currently perusing his graduation in engineering. He was working for Swiggy from last 2 weeks, police said.
According to police sources, incident took place in Kasturba Nagar on last Saturday when the 20-year-old was walking home. The accused Suraj reportedly intercepted her on the pretext of seeking directions and allegedly molested her. When the woman raised alarm, he subsequently zoomed out from the spot.
Following which, the woman approached Jaripatka Police Station. Taking cognisance in this regards team of Jaripatka Police led by Senior PI Nitin Phatangre, PI Trupti Sonone, API Vijay Dhumal, PSI Navnath Devkate, PSI Kondiga Kejgir, NPC Anand Maraskule, NPC Gajanan Nishitkar, NPC Ajay Giradkar, Constable Sushil Mahajan, Constable Pawan Yadav, Constable Naresh Khambalkar and others launched a thoroughly probe. The Jaripatka cops sought details of the delivery from Swiggy Headquarters in Bangalore. Following technical revaluation cops narrowed down to one Suraj Malode whose location was equivalent to the crime scene described by the woman. Following which cops rounded him up at Jaripatka police station. During the interrogation Suraj then confessed the crime. Cops have booked accused Suraj under relevant Sections of the IPC and placed him under arrest.
The action was supervised under the guidance of DCP Zone 5, Neelotpal and ACP Jaripatka Division Roshan Pandit.