Medical students flay college development fees
Nagpur: In the name of development the Government Medical College is taking fees from the students though no development or facilities are seen. Resentment among students has come in the open and they are now protesting against the college for...
“विकास शुल्क” के नाम पर मेडिकल कॉलेज विद्यार्थियों से वसूल रहा हर साल 5 हजार रुपए
नागपुर: शहर के गवर्नमेंट मेडिकल कॉलेज में विद्यार्थियों से कॉलेज प्रबंधन की ओर से ''कॉलेज विकास शुल्क '' के नाम से हर वर्ष 5 हजार रुपए वसूले जा रहे हैं. जिसका अब विद्यार्थी विरोध कर रहे हैं. इस मनमाने शुल्क...
Despite being a government institute, GMC charging 5k development fees
Nagpur: In the name of ‘College Development Fees’, the students of Government Medical College are being levied with an annual fee of Rs. 5000. After paying the fees of a long time, students of Government Medical College are now opposing...