Naniwadekar, Mahalakshame to get “Late Anilkumar Patrakarita Puraskar 2015”

Nagpur: “Late Anilkumar Patrakarita Puraskar 2015” has been bestowed on Mrunalini Naniwadekar-Darshane, Correspondent of Dainik Sakal and Avinash Mahalakshame, Special Correspondent of Maharashtra Times. Both Mrunalini and Avinash received the award for their outstanding contribution in the field of journalism. The...

by Nagpur Today | Published 8 years ago
By Nagpur Today On Saturday, August 27th, 2016

Naniwadekar, Mahalakshame to get “Late Anilkumar Patrakarita Puraskar 2015”

Nagpur: “Late Anilkumar Patrakarita Puraskar 2015” has been bestowed on Mrunalini Naniwadekar-Darshane, Correspondent of Dainik Sakal and Avinash Mahalakshame, Special Correspondent of Maharashtra Times. Both Mrunalini and Avinash received the award for their outstanding contribution in the field of journalism. The...