A case of near missed maternal mortality saved at Alexis Hospital

A case of near missed maternal mortality saved at Alexis Hospital

IF A MOTHER IS SAVED, THEN THE COMPLETE FAMILY IS SAVED!!! Left to Right : Dr Ajay Patekar (Anaesthesiologist), Dr. Mohammad Zuber (Interventional Radiologist), Dr Vishal Ramteke (Nephrologist & Renal Transplant Physician), Dr Sakshi Bansal (Obstetrician & Gynaecologist), Dr Sanjay...

by Nagpur Today | Published 2 years ago
Rare medical feat: 11-month old child gets new liver in Nagpur hospital
By Nagpur Today On Friday, July 15th, 2022

Rare medical feat: 11-month old child gets new liver in Nagpur hospital

Nagpur: In a rare procedure performed in Central India, an 11-month old child underwent liver transplant at a Nagpur hospital. The child received liver donated by his maternal aunt during a transplant surgery performed at New Era Hospital and...

By Nagpur Today On Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018

‘मेयो’ के बर्न वार्ड में परिजन खोलते हैं मरीजों का ‘ड्रेसिंग’, डॉक्टर आते हैं तीन-चार दिन में एक दफा

नागपुर: इंदिरा गांधी शासकीय वैद्यकीय महाविद्यालय एवं रुग्णालय (मेयो) के सर्जिकल वार्ड में चल रही मनमानी को इससे पूर्व नागपुर टुडेने उजागर किया था। यह सिलसिला अब भी जारी है।यहाँ स्थित बर्न वार्ड में बीते चार दिनों से डॉक्टर का...

By Nagpur Today On Monday, September 17th, 2012

GMC Hospital to have a new emergency building

Nagpur : Patients and their relatives can breathe a sigh of relief as medical hospital authorities have stated that they have planned to expand the medical hospital by adding a 3 storey building that will help the patients and relatives....