Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit has tested positive for COVID-19, but advised home isolation since his infection was mild, a city-based private hospital said on Sunday.
The 80-year-old Purohit was on self-isolation since July 29 after three people in the Raj Bhavan tested positive for the coronavirus.
A bulletin issued by the Kauvery Hospital where the Governor underwent further tests on Sunday said he has been advised home isolation and a medical team would monitor him.
Purohit “tested positive for COVID-19,” hospital Executive Director Dr Aravindan Selvaraj said in the bulletin.
“He is asymptomatic and clinically stable,” it said, adding the Governor underwent further tests and assessment at the hospital located at Alwarpet area here.
“As the infection is mild, he has been advised home isolation and will be monitored by the medical team of Kauvery Hospital,” it added.
Purohit had earlier gone on seven-day self-isolation on July 29 based on doctor’s advice after three people in the Raj Bhavan tested positive for coronavirus.
Earlier, as many as 84 security and fire services personnel deployed in the Raj Bhavan tested positive for the virus on July 23, but the Governor’s office had then said none of them came into contact with Purohit or senior officials.