MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Tanushree Dutta on Saturday filed a police complaint against Nana Patekar in connection with the 2008 movie-set incident where the actress was allegedly sexually harassed by the actor.
The complaint was filed in Mumbai’s Oshiwara police station and contains the name of Patekar along with Ganesh Acharya.
On Saturday Tanushree Dutta tweeted: “Today filed a complained in Oshiwara police station, in connection with 2008 movie set incident against Nana Patekar and Ganesh Acharya”.
Oshiwara police senior inspector Shailesh Pasalwar said that they had received a written complaint late on Saturday.
“So far no FIR registered. Inquiry will be conducted before deciding further course of action,” Pasalwar said.
Meanwhile, one Gaurav Gulati had filed a complaint against Nana Patekar and two others at the National Commission for Women (NCW) recently and urged the women’s body to probe the allegations made by Tanushree Dutta.
Earlier today, Patekar had dismissed the allegation levelled against him as “a lie”.