Nagpur Today: In an exclusive talk with Nagpur Today, BJP MLA from Mulund Constituency in Mumbai, Tara Singh said, “Sardars are known for their long hair, mustache and beard. A Sardar is also required to take care of his mustache. A mustache brings radiance and charisma in a man. Because of my mustache only, I get to give interviews to people like you.
Everyday, 10-15 women, children and men come to take my photographs and posing with him. Almost everybody says, ‘Apke Moochon Par Hum Fida Hain”. (We are fascinated by your mustache). I really take care of my mustache and keep it well groomed. I ensure that my mustache always remains upright and tall.”
He said that Guru Govind Singh has brought me into the world and has made me a Sardar. It is only because of my mustache that I have been winning in elections for the last 33 years. I get elected because people show their love for me and my mustache.