Tata Crucible the Campus Quiz Competition was organized in VNIT College on Monday, March 9, 2015. Many engineering students from various Engineering Colleges were taking part in the competition. The Quiz Master of the Quiz competition was Chief Executive Officer of Greycaps India Pvt. Ltd Giri Pick Brain Balasubramaniam. Giri Balasubramaniam addressed the student and asked the question on the subject of Business and Marketing. Students were given objective type questions by the quiz master.
The organizer of the competition while speaking to Nagpur Today said that the selected team will go to Mumbai to play the final rounds of the competition. The Final Quiz Competition will be played in Mumbai on March 22, 2015.
The National Final Winning Team will get a Grand Cash Prize of Rs. 7 Lakhs. The Regional Winning Team Cash Prize of Rs. 1, 00,000, Regional Runners – up Team would get a Cash Prize of Rs. 50,000. A Special Prize which drew the attention of the students and acts as an incentive is the all New BOLT from Tata Motors which the National Champions would receive.
Quizmaster Giri Pick opined that students have zero knowledge about business. It is their aim to step up and to make their minds Sharp and active. This endeavour would also help the new young generation to become aware of the new Brands and Marketing.
Event Convener Vaibhave Thakur said that their purpose is that most of the students should become aware of the business field irrespective of whether they qualifying for engineering or any other stream of education. Such competitions are organized every year. This time the students’ participation in this competition was tremendous.