Nagpur: In disappointing news for passengers, the Railways has withdrawn Tatkal and VIP quota in Mumbai-bound Vidarbha Express. The change resulted in reduction of two coaches — S-8 and S-9 — and in their place two generator cars have been added, according to reports.
However, Railways have a 120 days advance reservation period. After mulling various steps, Central Railway and South East Central Railway (SECR) officials decided to withhold Tatkal and emergency quota in Train No. 12106. This quota will be utilised to accommodate travellers booked in the two coaches that are withdrawn. The Railways is introducing LHB coaches in all long distance trains that enables comfortable travel and ensures speedier movement.
According to reports, there is one more change with conversion, that is the addition of two AC-III tier economy coaches in view of the summer season when demand for comfort travel increases.
The fare in economy AC-III tier is less than regular AC-III tier. The Tatkal and emergency quota will be utilised to accommodate the reserved passengers of the two coaches that are withdrawn. The change is being done with immediate effect to avoid inconvenience. Till further notice, travellers will not get the benefit of sleeper class Tatkal and VIP quota in Train No. 12106 Vidarbha Express.