Published On : Tue, Jan 12th, 2016

TB Awareness Centre of CIIMS, inaugrated at Teka Naka, Nagpur


TB Awareness Centre of CIIMS ,inaugrated at Teka Naka, NagpurNagpur: Research laboratory of Central India Institute of Medical Sciences (CIIMS) took an initiative towards the eradication of Tuberculosis (TB) by inaugurating -TB Awareness Centre” in Teka Naka, Nayi Basti on 7th January 2016. The centre was inaugurated by Dr. Milind Mane, Corporator, North Nagpur, Dr. Lokendra Singh, Director, CIIMS, Aslam Mullah Khan Corporator, Teka Basti, Mullah Sadruddin, Priest, Macca Masjid, Dr H. F Daginawala, Sr Scientist, CIIMS and Dr R S Kashyap Sr Scientist & Head, Research Centre CIIMS. The objective towards the establishment of the Centre is to spread awareness towards TB which is one of the largest killers worldwide as told by Dr R S Kashyap.

The Research Centre of the Institute has been working on the diagnosis of TB in the area from last 7 years. The centre has already collected 400 blood samples from the area and reported 12 % positivity for the disease.

On the occasion, Dr Milind Mane, MLA, North Nagpur discussed various factors including spitting, sneezing and coughing in public by which the disease spread among the households and communities. Further, he told that TB is a treatable disease therefore following regular treatment will help in proper clinical management of the disease. TB is an air-born infection hence every individual in India has exposure to the causative bacteria named as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In some individual the causative bacteria remains in inactive form for years and can reactivate if the immunity decreases due to old age and other infections. Lungs remains the common site for infection however it can affect almost every organ of the human body.

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Any individual can acquire the infection irrespective of age. In world out of every 3 individuals, one is infected with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria cause death in 1.5 million people every year and India contributes majorly in the calculated statistics. Dr Lokendra Singh, Director CIIMS assured that the Research laboratory of the CIIMS can eradicate the disease from the area however cooperation of the residents is needed. They requested all the residents to visit the centre and get benefitted from the same.

All the dignitaries had expressed their views in the same directions. Various dignitaries like Aslam Mullah Khan, Mulla Sadruddin (Priest, Mecca Masjid), Dr. Faruq Ansari (In charge, TB DOTS Centre, Teka Naka), Dr. H F Daginawala (Senior Scientist, Research centre, CIIMS), Rajwant Singh Tuli (Social Worker), Dr. Priti Rathi (Medical Superintendent, CIIMS), Hemant Dubey (Administrative Officer, CIIMS), along with Dr Aliabbas Husain, (Research Associate, CIIMS), Dr Amit Nayak (Research Scientist, CIIMS) and Research staff of CIIMS graced the occasion. Function was also attended by RNTCP staff- Dr. Sadaf Khatif (Medical Officer , IGGMC), Dr. Dihankar Bhiogade (Medical Officer), Rashmi Vehne, Bhiogade, Sangita Singne (PPM co-ordinator), TBHV (Sarita, Ashwini Patil, Roshan Theyle, Shailesh Meshram) hence making the event a grand success.
