Nagpur News : In a shocking incident, teachers of Saint John School at Mohan Nagar, brutally thrashed a seven-year-old student of second standard. The child’s parents lodged a complaint with the Sadar police.
The student, Himaat Naushad Patel, is a resident of Bhaldarpura. The parents complained that their ward was whipped on the back by a teacher on Wednesday afternoon.
As per the child’s grandfather, Siraj Patel, Himaat developed a mild cold at night. Himaat did not inform his parents about the beating. However, when his mother was dressing him up for school on Thursday, she noticed injury marks on his back.
Himaat then informed his parents and relatives about the incident. They reached his school to complain about the brazen act to the principal of the school, Father Muthuswamy but he refused to meet them. The parents claim that the principal too resorted to indecent behavior.
Patel alleged that the principal ordered other school officials to send them out of the premises. Later, they lodged a complaint in the police station with the help of social activist, Ateek Quraishi. The interrogation continued till late night. The police has registered a case under physical assault. The student, Himaat Naushad Patel, is a resident of Bhaldarpura. The parents complained that their ward was whipped on the back by a teacher on Wednesday afternoon.