Nagpur News: RTMNU Management Council member Dinesh K Agrawal walked out of the emergent Management council meeting yesterday due to a clash with the Vice Chancellor Vilas Sapkal over the constitution of the selection committee for teachers.
According to Agrawal, the new University Direction 4 of 2012 passed by RTMNU in May which issues guidelines for the appointment of teachers as well as for the constitution of the committee that will select the teachers, clashes with some points of Section 76 of the Maharashtra Universities Act, under which guidelines are already issued.
Agrawal suggested that the matter be taken to University Chancellor Sankaranarayan, since he alone has the authority to clear conflicts of this nature. His suggestion was rejected at the meeting, and he was told that the committee had to be constituted urgently.
Teaching posts for around 60 subjects have been vacant at the University for a long time, and the list of nominees is ready. The selection committee is to interview the nominees and finalise the teachers. The process is expected to take another six months.