They take to technical excellence with ease but little did we know that they squeeze out their aesthetics and stage prowess with ease.
RCOEM threw open the hidden singing and dancing talent at its cultural night! The night was a part of a three days’ event, the Industrial Branch Installation, the end of which saw nothing but glittering fun! ELYSIUM’ 2013, as the installation was called carried out various events and rallies, and finally the successful venture ended with an enthusiastic cultural night.
The evening witnessed various likable proceedings, let it be the performance by ‘Music club’, fashion shows or even dedication of songs from the faculty.
Fashion show proved to be a hit show, and why not? The themes – ‘Villians’ and ‘the four elements (air, water, ground and fire)’chosen were alluring and significant.
One of the key aspects that made the night so special was for the first time; a song composed and recorded by its students got launched that was the ‘Industrial Branch song’.
PICS BY : Amol