Nagpur: In an awful incident, an unidentified man chased a walking 19-year old girl, fell her down and outraged her modesty by indulging obscene acts. When the girl shouted for help, the pervert man fled the spot. The incident occurred in Ajni area on Thursday night. The accused is being searched.
Around 9.30 pm on Thursday, the 19-year old girl was returning home in Ajni walking. The unidentified man chased her slyly and caught hold of her at a secluded place. The man pushed her on the ground and molested her with vulgar acts. When the girl shouted for help, the accused fled the spot.
Ajni PSI Ingle, acting the girl’s complaint, booked the unidentified accused under Sections 354, 323 of the IPC and launched a search to nab him.