Nagpur: In a tragic incident, a teenage girl committed suicide by jumping off 4th floor of a building under the jurisdiction of Kapil Nagar Police Station. The incident has sent shockwaves in the area and left her family and friends in deep shock.
The girl was identified as Sneha Pankaj Sharma (19), a resident of Mhada Colony, Kadu Layout. She had recently appeared for her Class 12 examinations, and was taking computer training. Her father, Pankaj, is a civil contractor, police said.
According to the Kapil Nagar Police, on Friday morning, Sneha left home at around 7.30 am for computer class. However, she left the class soon after reaching there. She then went to the fourth floor of an apartment building near her house, and jumped off. Her relatives rushed to the spot as soon as they received information about the incident. Immediately, they took her to a private hospital for treatment. The doctors declared her dead at around 12 noon. The police also said that no suicide note was found yet.
However, it is being speculated that Sneha may have been under some stress or depression, which could have led her to take such an extreme step, they added. Sources close to the family have revealed to the police that Sneha had been spending a lot of time on her cell phone, due to which her relatives were worried. However, due to the family’s shock and grief, the police have not been able to conduct a proper investigation into the matter, they added.
Kapil Nagar Police have registered a case of accidental death and started investigation. They are also probing Sneha’s cell phone to see if it can provide any clues about the reason behind her suicide.