Nagpur: Tejinder Singh Renu won AGC Golf Cup 2017, a district level tournament played at Kamptee on Best Net format by finishing 1 under with a Eagle on Hole No.10, wherein total 80 golfers from the region participated; which was organised by Amin Group of Companies through its managing director Zamin Amin.
AGC Golf Trophy was handed over to the winner Tejinder Singh Renu by the hands of Mrs. Rasheeda Amin in the presence of Brig. D V Singh, Commandant Guards Regiment Centre Kamptee, Zamin Amin, Mrs. Indu Singh and Mrs. Seema Renu.
Other winners were Best Net Runner Up – Lt. Gen. Ravi Thodge, Best Gross – Master Arin Ahuja, Runner Up Gross – Ajit Ingole, Longest Drive – Jagmohan Singh Gill, Closest to Pin – Surendra Gurwara, Closest to Centre Line- Col. S S Pathania. While in senior category Col. S J Majumdar and Col. Mrigendra Singh were winner and runner up respectively. In Ladies Putting Miss Sakina Amin and Mrs. Pallavi Thakur were winner and runner up respectively.
In a rare occurrence, this tournament witnessed a ‘Hole in One’ by Maj. Manu Awasthi on Par 3 Hole No. 3 and also received a special prize for this extraordinary happening.
Golfing in orange city is picking up gradually with even women showing keen interest. Practice range of C. P. Club at the foothills of Seminary Hills is good place to pick up golf, where even non-members are permitted to learn and practice on payment of reasonable annual fees.