Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has assured help to all the people who are fleeing to their native places amid nationwide lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic and requested them to stay where they are.
Thackeray said chief ministers of other states had requested him to take care of people from their states.
“We have seen people who were hiding in milk tankers while trying to go to their native states getting caught. Many CMs have requested me to take care of people from their states. We request people to stay at their place, we will take care of them,” Thackeray said.
The development came after Maharashtra Police had earlier on Thursday found over 300 migrant workers holed up inside two container trucks meant for carrying essential commodities from Telangana to Rajasthan.
Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has also spoken to some of the chief ministers and asked them to look into the issue of the mass exodus of migrant workers from different parts of the country.