Nagpur News : Nandanvan police, who have been investigating the case of 20-year-old Manisha Patil, who is battling for life at a hospital in Wardhaman Nagar, claimed that no signs of sexual assaults are found on the girl. However, police told that they the victim’s cell phone details clearly show that some dispute with her boyfriend had forced her to consume poison. Police said that the girl had even text the boy before consuming poison.
Investigating officer, PSI Manish Wakode, said, “Doctors have told that there are no internal injuries. Still, we have asked the final medical reports of the victim,” he said.
However, the hospital authorities told that they will have to shift the victim to government hospital for forensic tests where the forensic labs are only available. “It would be threat to her life if taken a chance to shift her any government hospital. She has been kept on ventilator. We are trying our best to bring her conscious,” informed Govind Poddar, the secretary of the organization that owned the hospital.
Police have found the location of the address of the unidentified number whose calls and SMSes were found on Manisha’s cell phone. Police sources said that the victim’s mother have stated to police that Manisha was having an affair from past few months. She told police that the couple was also planning for marriage.
Investigations show that Manisha had gone to the hospital on July 12 around 9 am where she worked as nurse. Sources informed that the hospital staff has told that she had bought a poison bottle from the hospital before leaving to home. Hospital staff told that she had taken leave claiming that she is not well and left in few minutes.
Around 9.45, she was found unconscious with frothing from mouth at Bhim Square. Police said that Manisha had sent a SMS to the number that she is taking poison but he didn’t respond. Police has traced the youth’s residence location as Kuhi. A police team has been sent to Parsodi where the youth is suspected to be fled away.