Nagpur News : Sakkardara Police booked unidentified goons for looting cash and valuables worth Rs 1.50 lakh on Sunday night. According to information, Sudhakar Govindrao Nimje (43), a resident of Plot No. 1/38, Kamgar Kalyan nKendra, Raghuji Nagar, went to Shegaon with his family. Meanwhile, unidentified goons gained entry in the house from the back door. They stole cash of Rs 10,000 and valuables collectively worth Rs 1.50 lakh from the steel almirah.
When Sudhakar came back, he discovered the theft and immediately lodged a complaint with Sakkardara Police Station. Cops registered an offence against unidentified youths under Sections 454 and 457 of the IPC. Further investigations are on.