Nagpur News : Despite of all security measures installed at Renuka jeweler shop at Anant Nagar in Gittikhadan, thieves made away with gold and silver valuables worth Rs 8 lakh on Saturday midnight. Shop owner Murallidhar Vishwanath Dhomle, a resident of Suraj Nagar, had even connected the activities captured by CCTV cameras of his shop to his personal laptop and cell phone.
Dhomle told police that while going through the clips in the night, he had heard some thud sound from his shop but he ignored it as he didn’t saw anybody around. The thieves made three feet hole in the rear wall of the shop to enter and robbed gold and silver ornaments.
50 gram gold ornaments, silver valuables and cash Rs 40,000 were stolen from the shop.
Police informed that the stolen valuables were kept for display and the cash was kept in drawer. However, the thieves couldn’t broke open the locker in which more gold ornaments were kept.
While going through footages captured by CCTV, police told that it seems thieves had started breaking the wall at around 12.30 am on Saturday midnight. It took them 2 hours to make a three feet hole. Dhomle had recently started renovation f his building and has deployed few laboruers with a guard to keep a watch on his shop. However, the labourers claimed that two youths had befriended with them while they were having dinner. They had offered them drug laced cold drinks due to which they couldn’t notice any disturbance at midnight.
The videos captured shows two blurred images of youths. It showed that the tried to open the locker for two hours but failed and left shop at around 3.30 am. Police have been questioning labourers present at the shop.
Cops said that it was a pre-planned robbery and the thieves might have done a reiki before planning the robbery.