The ongoing spat between Bollywood actors Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut is turning uglier by the day. Hrithik recently sent a legal notice accusing Kangana of maligning his image, which she promptly denied and sent a rebuttal through her lawyer.
Diary products giant Amul, who has a knack of coming up with quirky posters, saw the funny side of the whole issue and cast an animated Hrithik and Kangana in leather tights under the caption “Krishh and Tell?”, in its latest advertisement.
The ad shows a visibly annoyed Hrithik holding a butter knife and confronting Kangna and the latter doing the same. The fight has grown as nasty as it sounds and here’s Amul ad depicting just that.
Time and again, Amul’s animated poster girl has proved to be entertaining featuring in posters that dominate the collective mind space of masses. Just in case you are not aware, Amul’s posters on Shahid Afridi expressing love for India, RSS deciding to replace their quintessential khaki shorts with pants, and Vijay Mallya are pretty epic too.