NAGPUR: The Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court on Thursday asked all the petitioners, who wanted to protect illegal religious structures, to first deposit Rs 50,000 each within a week to prove their bonafide. During the next hearing, the court will hear the arguments of those depositing the amount.
It may be recalled here that on a petition filed by Manohar Khorgade, the Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court had directed the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) to clear all illegal religious structures from across the city. Accordingly the NMC started a drive and demolish around 180 encroachment so far. However, a few religious organizations, political leaders and local residents expressed strong protest against the drive and had approached the High Court for relief.
Hearing their petitions, the court on Thursday asked 967 petitioners to first deposit Rs 50,000 each within a week to prove their bonafide. It is believed that the NMC will not take any action against those, depositing the amount, till the next hearing.