RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has said that those who revere cows do not resort to violence even if their sentiments are deeply hurt. Rearing of cows is financially beneficial for us, he said to a question asked by a volunteer during a meeting in Jamdoli near Jaipur yesterday.
Bhagwat, who is on a six-day tour of Rajasthan, said, “People who revere cows devote themselves to rearing cows. They do not resort to violence even if their sentiments are deeply hurt”. There have been several incidents of violence perpetrated by cow vigilantes in recent months.
To another question on use of Chinese goods, he said Swadeshi means to use items and products that are made in small and cottage industries.
“Using Swadeshi products provides employment to people. Using Swadeshi items manifest a sense of pride within,” he said.