Nagpur: The police have registered a case against three accused for demanding weekly protection money on gun point from the owner of a driving school. The three accused are identified as Praveen Sahare aged 19 years and a resident of Shende Nagar, Ankush Jaidiya aged 18 years and a resident of Bidipeth Tajbagh, the third accused identified as Gulam has managed to flee.
According to sources in police, Kedarnath Pathak aged 42 years and a resident of Belgam in Umred used to operate a Driving School. He used to frequent the RTO (Rural) situated on Kamptee Road in order to procure driving licenses for those who have learnt driving from his Driving School.
On October 22, 2014 too as usual he reached RTO (Rural) for some official work. There the three accused Praveen Sahare, Ankush Jaidiya and Gulam threatened and told Kedarnath that if he wants to continue to get work done from RTO office, he should pay Rs 1000 per week to them. They also snatched all the money in his possession. Immediately after the incident, Kedarnath went to Jaripatka police station and lodged a complaint against the accused. The Jaripatka police registered an offence against the accused and has arrested two of the three accused identified as Praveen Sahare aged 19 years and a resident of Shende Nagar, Ankush Jaidiya aged 18 years and a resident of Bidipeth Tajbagh. The police are on the look-out for the third accused identified as Gulam.