Nagpur: Pratapnagar police have booked three person looting a mobile and cash Rs 7000 from one Sachin Duryodhan Dange, 26, resident of Priyadarshani Nagar, NIT layout Trimurty Nagar coming under Pratap nagar police station.
According to police sources Sachin was calculating along with his colleague putting the shutter half down of his fast food restaurant at Hingana T point, 8 lakeview Apartment at around 1.30 am. When suddenly three unidentified youth in tyhe age group of 30 stood before his restaurant one waited outside while the two entered the restaurant pointed knife at Sachin’s colleague Giridhar Lanje and snatched Rs 7000 cash from counter and two mobile and left the place before Sachin and Giridhar could anything.
On a complaint from Sachin the police registered an offence under section 392, 34 of IPC against the unidentified persons. Police are further investigating.