Nagpur: Taking note of vacancies in officers grade, Maharashtra Government carried out a reshuffle and posted three officers at Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC), including a Deputy Municipal Commissioner and two Assistant Municipal Commissioners.
In view of the general elections, two Deputy Municipal Commissioners were transferred on completion of three years’ tenure, which led to distribution of additional charges among the existing Assistant Municipal Commissioners. Due to the piquant situation, the State Government has posted Shivaji Gawali from CEO, Group-A, Selection Grade, as Deputy Municipal Commissioner. Of the two Deputy Municipal Commissioners, one post is now filled while one vacancy still remains.
Similarly, Dr Vijay Dwase is posted as Assistant Municipal Commissioner of NMC where several posts are vacant after superannuation of the officers. Dr Dwase is Assistant Commissioner, Grade-I. The second officer to be posted as Asst Municipal Commissioner is Ashok Garate. Both are from direct Asst Municipal Commissioner grade. They are directed to report at new postings immediately.