Nagpur: Ganeshpeth Police on Wednesday booked Sanjay Agrawal, owner of Sheetal Carrying Corporation; Jyoti Babusaheb Jadhav, Director of Pratik Road Lines and truck driver Dnyaneshwar Kapse (Ahmed Nagar) for alleged misappropriation of medicine boxes worth Rs 12,93,950 lakh of Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Pvt Ltd.
Sanjay Dattatraya Agnihotri (52) Manager, Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Pvt Ltd, lodged a complaint that the company had dispatched 1,143 medicine boxes to Pune-based godown in a truck (MH-12/QW-1551) for distribution.
During transportation between August 3, 2021 and August 6, 2021, the accused allegedly removed four medicine boxes worth Rs 12, 93,950 from the consignment.
On the basis of the complaint, police registered a case under Sections 407 (Criminal breach of trust by carrier, etc) and 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code and started investigation.