Nagpur: Chief Minister Eknath Shinde turned a Good Samaritan as he took lead in aiding an injured biker lying on Amravati Road near Nagpur on Sunday night and rushed him to hospital in time.
Shinde was on way back to Nagpur after visiting the blast site at Bazargaon. As his convoy neared Gondkhairi, he noticed a mob on the highway where a Santro car had rammed into a truck and in process a bike rider ahead was trapped in between. The rider was stuck in the car’s bonnet and a lot of onlookers and passersby had gathered at the spot. Seeing the situation, the Chief Minister ordered his officials to halt the convoy and got down and went to the spot to inquire about the mishap.
Seeing the condition of the injured biker, the police officials in CM’s convoy extricated the biker and the ambulance in the convoy was used to rush him to Sengupta Hospital at Ravi Nagar for treatment. The Chief Minister stopped and ensured that the injured biker was taken in the ambulance and also later was at the hospital to oversee primary treatment to the youth. The biker was rushed to ICU and is being treated and is reported stable.
The youth was later identified as Girish Keshav Tidke, a resident of Gondkhairi. The other injured in the mishap are Vandana Rakesh Meshram, Siddharth Nagarwadi, Nagpur, Ranajana Shishupal Ramteke, Rambagh, near Medical Square, and Shudhodhan Balu Kalpande, a resident of Mauda.