An eighteen-year-old boy who was nabbed with his minor friend for allegedly committing a burglary at his own apartment confessed that he took to crime to get money only to give expensive gifts to his girlfriend.
Dhiraj Gihani, a twelfth standard science student, belongs from a well-to-do family and so his 17-year-old friend, an eleventh standard student. The duo was nabbed within eight days after the crime took place at Mohammad Nayeem’s flat in Wade Bhavan at Agrasen square last Friday.
Ganeshpeth police informed that the minor stays at the neighbouring house of Nayeem’s on fourth floor. Police said that
On Friday, Nayeem’s family left their house for few days’ vacation at a relative’s place. Nayeem had asked the minor’s parents to keep a watch and it was heard by the minor. He informed to Dheeraj who then planned the burglary. The two entered the house by removing the window grill and decamped some gadgets worth Rs 60,000.
Nayeem lodged a police complaint after two days when they returned. During investigations, police were informed by the secret sources about the boys from the same apartment, are looking for the customer to sell the gadgets.
The duo was taken for questioning when they confessed to the crime. Gihani said that his pocket money was not enough to meet his girlfriend’s demands and thus he planned the robbery. The minor stated to police that he wanted the money to gain an entry in pubs.