Published On : Tue, Aug 23rd, 2022
By Nagpur Today Nagpur News

Top Ways to Keep Your Clothes Clean and Hygienic This Monsoon


The slight pitter-patter of raindrops on your roof, cool & windy nights, a greener environment, and a humid afternoon – are all some enjoyable aspects of the much-awaited monsoon season in the Indian subcontinent. Irrespective of the part of the country in which you live, you will experience heavy rainfall starting July. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare yourself right from the start -right from deciding on your monsoon dresses to selecting the right footwear, and so more.  

While everyone enjoys the much-aspired respite from the unbearable summer heat, monsoon also brings about its own share of troubles and hassles. If you do not take proper care of monsoon dresses or clothes, you will end up damaging them in the long run.  

How to Take Care of Dresses During the Monsoon Season? 

Some of the essential rules that you should follow to take care of your clothes during the wet season: 


#Use the Right Washing Methods 

It is always recommended to follow the right instructions for washing clothes or specific fabrics. However, the monsoon season will require special care for your clothes. Most types of chiffons, georgettes, and cottons can absorb moisture and get damaged easily. At the same time, these delicate fabrics might also turn frizzy while retaining the damp odor after you wash them. 

To avoid damaging your precious dresses and tops this monsoon, here are some washing tips: 

  • Try washing wet clothes as soon as possible. When you leave wet clothes unattended for a longer period, it will invite bacteria and fungi. As such, the clothes will develop a musty smell later on. 
  • Add vinegar or baking soda to your clothes while washing them. Baking soda serves to be a natural form of disinfectant and will help neutralize bad odor.  
  • Make use of scented detergents -preferably the liquid variants. 

#Dry Clothes Properly 

During the monsoon season, it is common to experience several days without proper sunshine. As you wash your clothes, avoid leaving them out on terraces or balconies where they might get wet easily as soon as a downpour takes place. Moreover, when you dry clothes inside the premises of your home, it could lead to increased humidity levels. It is both inconvenient and unhealthy.  

To ensure that your washed clothes do not remain damp during the rainy season, here are some tips: 

  • Place a bag of rice or salt in the room in which you are drying clothes inside. Salt helps in absorbing moisture and keeping the air of your room dry. This makes it quick to dry your clothes.  
  • Always make use of the washing machine’s dryer unit before you hang your wet clothes to dry out. Moreover, you can make use of hangers whenever possible that spread out clothes effectively and allow them to dry out quickly.  
  • You can also think of lighting scented candles or incense sticks wherein you are drying clothes indoors. The smoke produced out of these will prevent the clothes from gathering a musty odor upon drying. 

#Practice Effective Storage Methods 

As the monsoon season approaches, even the most secure closets will be home to ample moisture. The damp walls or sides of the closet will risk fungi infestation within clothes while imparting them a highly unpleasant smell. To ensure that your clothes do not catch up with the nasty smells while being in your wardrobe, here are some tips: 

  • Place dried neem leaves in the closet. This traditional trick will prevent the development of microbes in space while keeping your clothes fresh and pleasant smelling all the time.  
  • Keep a muslin bag filled with camphor in the wardrobe. Camphor has a pleasant smell. At the same time, it also absorbs moisture effectively. The trick will make sure that your clothes are fungus-free during the wet season.  
  • Place naphthalene balls between the clothes in the wardrobe. Naphthalene is helpful in keeping termites and insects away from the closet. Moreover, it also helps in the prevention of microbes around the clothes while allowing them to be fresh all the time. 

#Deodorize the Washing Machine 

Monsoons are great. However, you might despise it when your clothes develop an unpleasant smell whenever you wear them. One way to prevent the same is by deodorizing your washing machine. If you use a front-loading washing machine, you can add some baking powder to the machine’s drum while setting the machine to its ‘normal wash’ setting to ensure a normal wash. 

This will clean the washing machine thoroughly. Moreover, it will also soak all foul smells that will be emanated from the wet or damp clothes during the wet season. 


You can make the most of the monsoon season by taking proper care of your delicate monsoon dresses or clothes. For the best-ever monsoon collection, shop for designer wear at Glamly!