Raising a strong demand for an economic package for the trading community with Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) said that now it is the high time when the Government should announce a relief economic package for the business community which is worst sufferer of COVID-19. In a communication to Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, the CAIT said that the Government has announced several packages of other sections of economy but the trading community which is often described as back bone of Indian economy is still awaiting the package.
The CAIT also said that if an adequate package is not given to traders, the domestic trade in the Country is likely to be collapsed to a large extent. Since, the retail sector is largest employment provider after Agriculture, it is all the more necessary to provide relief to this sector. All hopes and eyes of the traders are now anxiously relied on Finance Minister.
The CAIT further said that in case of drought etc, the Government has always provided a package to the Farmers and CONVID-19 is as like draught for the traders and as such the business community should also be given a stimulus immediately.
CAIT National President B.C.Bhartia & Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal urged Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman that it is matter of satisfaction that about 45 lakh traders across Country played a key and crucial role in maintaining supply chain of essential commodities quite effectively and there was no shortage of any material all over the Country. The traders put risk to their lives and serve the citizens of India and as such have a right to ask the Government to provide economic stimulus package.
They said that if no package is given to traders, the retail trade business in India will see its worst days and in all likelihood large number of traders will land themselves into bankruptcy. The Covid-19 is quite an unprecedented pandemic restricting all movements of the traders to their homes. The traders were expecting that a package by the Government will be given to traders around 14th April but almost 14 more days have gone and as of now there is no word about the package which is worrying the traders and disturbing them, a lot for their future.